3 May 2014

Thomas Piketty's Capital: Live Blog III

We live tweet events so why don't we live blog our books? They may last longer than a Premier League match or election night special, but we read them continuously and their covers bound a discrete event. During their course our support veers between characters or new facts prompt us to change intellectual direction. They ebb and flow like all tweet worthy events.

Past the introduction now after the Friday evening commute. And the Annales influence is plain to see. Piketty's strength - and claim - is his data set stretching back into the late eighteenth century. Everything is la longue durée. Change is tectonic: imperceptible to a generation, but profound over time. I've always found this approach fascinating but becomes more striking when coupled with compounding numbers.

Sorry, where were we? Yes. We're beginning to define our terms and explain foundational concepts like α = r x ß. Which is all very interesting. But still not as exciting as encountering the Annales school living, breathing, and in a book about the economy.

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